Managing debt after your divorce

Managing debt after your divorce

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2022 | divorce

Divorce can mean you suddenly have more financial responsibility but less income. This startling reality might leave you scrambling for solutions to stay on top of your financial obligations.

Knowing how to manage debt after your divorce can help you avoid costly repercussions. A careful approach to the way you handle your money can protect you from unnecessary loss.

Sell assets

If you have a significant number of assets with your spouse, consider selling them together and splitting the proceeds. This outcome can benefit both of you and eliminate some of the debt that still requires payment.


If your spouse is unwilling to consider selling assets, consolidate debt where you can. You can also negotiate with creditors to find a payment plan that better aligns with your income or lack thereof. According to U.S. News, during divorce, remove your spouse as an authorized user on your credit card to prevent egregious charges.

Steadily pay down credit card debt where you can. This will elevate your credit score and reduce the amount of interest you must pay. Your ability to collaborate with creditors and lenders can make a considerable difference to the success you have in staying on top of your financial obligations.

Save money

Think realistically about your future and form a savings plan. Contributing even a little money each month can eventually add up. Find creative ways to save. This could include finding a side job that brings in enough cash for your savings.

Your divorce does not have to be the reason you live in debt for the remainder of your life. Careful planning and realistic action can help you maintain control of your life and your financial stability.